Starchild is a registered charity set up in memory of the founders adopted brother, Frankie Marsh. Frankie’s parents were both from Uganda. After coming to the UK to study in the 60s, Frankie’s mother reluctantly made the decision to give him up for adoption. Frankie was adopted into Michaela’s family in Glasgow, Scotland at 13 months old, the same age as Michaela. They were raised like twins – one black, one white. Sadly Frankie died in a house fire at the age of 26 years.
Starchild believes that every child deserves to be loved, cared for, clothed, fed and educated.
From Passion to Purpose:
The Story Behind Starchild & Our Young Ambassador's (Cormac O'Hara) Mission
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In need of your help.

To improve the health and
well-being of vulnerable young children and women in Uganda by providing access to sustainable education, training, healthcare, food, support and love.
Aim 1

Promote education and enterprise, particularly with vulnerable young girls and women.
Aim 2

Introduce the role of Creative Arts in Uganda into the school curriculum encouraging those not naturally gifted in academia.
Aim 3

Sustain the Starchild School for Creative Arts in Uganda.
Aim 4

Break down social barriers, dispelling myths and stigma’s surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder, learning challenges and disabilities.
Aim 5

Promote sustainable development goals alongside interdisciplinary partnerships, environmental and social awareness.
Aim 6
To do all this we rely on the generous donations of friends and well-wishers and the charitable work of dedicated volunteers to provide love, security, medical care and education for the children. There are a number of ongoing projects and daily hurdles to overcome.
Starchild hopes you are in a position to continue to help with some of these hurdles and challenges by organising fundraising events, private funding programs, leaving a legacy, sponsoring a child, giving in memory of a loved one, inviting the public and private professionals and philanthropists to help and donate to this worthwhile cause.
Friends of Starchild