On evaluating how well received the Starchild Centre was being utilised, It became apparent that those most marginalised and vulnerable, especially those with autistic spectrum disorder, additional support needs and physical disabilities, were still unable to access any formal or informal training at our centre. As an inclusive organisation Starchild recognised that due to misguided and inherited belief systems individuals were still being shunned by their local communities and denied their rights because of their perceived inabilities. It is this lack of equality and inclusion that Starchild now hopes to address going forward.
In Uganda, the level of autism awareness is pathetically low. Efforts to increase public awareness and sensitivity towards autism from grassroots levels are urgently needed. The majority of Ugandan citizens regard disability as a “a curse” brought to the family through the mother of the child. The child is often left chained up in the dark, sometimes for days. They are often the victims of rape and abuse.
In partnership with Williamwood High School, CSS, Glasgow, Autism Voice, Entebbe, The Mango Tree School and Leaning Centre, Jinja, Grace Primary and Starchild School and Vocational Centre, Vvumba, we have established strong links, with the goal to provide all aspects of social inclusion in Uganda.
Disability & Autism

Starchild is now raising funds to build the Sunflower Sanctuary for children and families affected by disabilities and autism. Our sanctuary will be a holistic centre of excellence that offers support, training and guidance to those most marginalised. Ultimately, with the goal to promote livelihood opportunities, understanding and increase family income, thus breaking the cycle of poverty, stigma and abuse Please see the link to the Sunflower Sanctuary for more information about this unique project.